Adami wants to be the best consultant for all shipping requirements of its customers.
Lengthy experience, extensive knowledge of the market and high level specialization let us study, together with the customer, shipping solutions that guarantee logistics savings and efficiency.
Every industrial sector has different requirements when organizing the transport of liquid foodstuffs.
In order to be an effective partner, integrated in the production process, we must know inside out the requirements of the sector where the customer does business.
Adami Autotrasporti has identified a manager for each sector, trained on the specific production requirements of that sector.
What is common to all Adami shipments is the guarantee of maximum hygiene in the tanks and tank containers being used.
Adami has a fleet of tanks and tank containers, all made of stainless steel and thermally insulated, adaptable to every customer requirement.
“We must be invisible. Customers must not notice that we exist. Customers must always receive their goods on time, whole and perfect.
Customers must never be involved in the many variables that can occur during shipment. This is entirely our job and we must know how to solve every problem and deliver the goods that we have been entrusted with just as was requested”
( Giorgio Adami )